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5 Tips to Successfully Achieving Health and Fitness Goals

Nicole the Fitness Pro

Updated: Aug 4, 2020

1. IT’S MENTAL – To be successful in anything, the first thing you must do is make the conscious decision to be successful. Prepare your mind to take on the challenges ahead. Tell yourself you will accomplish your goal and be determined to achieve it. Refuse to let anything hold you back or get in your way. Visualize yourself in that successful state and keep a mental snap shot of yourself there. Success starts with your mind. It really is mental!

2. SET GOALS – The goals you set should be reasonable and attainable. Long term goals should be set first, then attainable short term goals will be your focused path to meeting the long term goals. Goals can include both physical and mental skills. For instance, a physical goal may be “I want to be able to run a mile without stopping”. A mental goal may be “I want my motivation level to go from a 2 to a 9.” Using the acronym SMART is a great way to set effective goals.

S-Specific — Goals should have a detailed description of what you want to accomplish; when you want to accomplish it by; and the action(s) you will take to accomplish it.

M-Measurable— Make sure you set measureable goals. For instance, Instead of setting a goal like “I want to look good in my jeans”, a better goal would be I want to lose 2 inches in my waist and 1 inch in my thighs.

A- Attainable— Create goals that are challenging, but not extreme. Also, in order to personally grow, do not set goals that are too easily accomplished.

R-Realistic— A realistic goal is one that you believe can be accomplished.

T-Timely— Always set a specific date of completion. It should be realistic but not too far in the distant future. For example, set goals that can be achieved tomorrow and in 3 months.

3. SIMULTANEOUSLY FOLLOW BOTH DIET AND EXERCISE PLANS – Ultimately to be successful in being healthy and fit, you need to follow both a diet plan and a workout plan. Implementing the two will give you the greatest and fastest results, rather than following only one at a time.

4. CONSISTENCY— Stay consistent by following your meal and workout plans. Discipline yourself to be proactive by preparing your healthy meals and snacks ahead of time and having them available and with you to eat healthily and on time. Don’t forget to always carry water with you so you can consume at least one gallon a day. Also, have your gym bag always packed and ready to go with gym clothes, headphones, towel, gloves, etc. Remember being healthy is living healthy. It is a lifestyle.

5. ENJOY THE JOURNEY! —Celebrate your small and large accomplishments! Praise yourself! Strive for greatness! Live your life! Choose to be happy and enjoy life! You only get one!


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